The botany section moved to a new site
I decided to move the botany section of the blog to a new place. I plan to add a few photos and plant growing instructions / logs every now an then to the botany section and to keep this blog …
I decided to move the botany section of the blog to a new place. I plan to add a few photos and plant growing instructions / logs every now an then to the botany section and to keep this blog …
I did write a post on powering and using ESP114A power supply some time ago. To make the power supplies even more useful you can also convert one of them to a floating ground power supply. Floating ground power supplies …
So recently I wanted to generate two fast (40kHz), phase offset signals with Arduino. I have done various modes of PWM and PPM modulation before, but have not yet tried to generate phase offset signals. Actually there is only one …
Arduino generating two fast phase offset signals Read more »